Jordan Peterson Is My Kinda Crush

Jordan Peterson 12 Rules for Life

I have a pile of books on my nightstand and even more  in my audible account begging for a listen. I generally hop around among my piles of tomes, but this spring I’ve been zeroing in on all things Jordan Peterson and forcing them on my husband and kids. Peterson’s unflappable stance and rejection of modern day, politically…

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Sometimes Life Stinks. Fear Not. It’s Temporary.

Blog_Sometimes Life Stinks

I was just inspired to beat out this post, one glass down, after I saw this quote on Facebook. It said, “Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.” Normally, I’d embrace it from the love from whence it came, but tonight I’m a little jaded.…

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Traditions don’t just happen. There’s always a wizard behind the curtain.

Value of Tradition Over Time

Today, in this weird space between the Magic of Christmas to the Bang of New Year’s, I’m realizing that traditions are really the glue that holds our world together, but can only thrive if nourished in our own backyards. We may share similar traditions worldwide, but we’re all snowflakes in how they play out for our…

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How I knew I should follow my dream and the power of self-imposed exile

Embracing a dream isn't for the faint of heart. See my new blog post. Link in my profile. #dreams #goalsetting #mariaslaby

Getting away alone, completely unencumbered by daily tasks and distractions has been a fantasy I’ve carried in my heart for years. Anyone with a bigger list of To Do’s than Already Done’s can probably relate to this. If only I could run away to escape all the noise and chaos of my everyday life, I…

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High School Isn’t Mandatory

High School Is Not Mandatory

High School just isn’t in the program at our house. And it’s not that we have any burning issue with the local high school programs, public or private. We just don’t have time for it. Too much. Too busy. Let’s just keep it simple people. When I meet new people and tell them that we…

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3 Reasons My Kids Break The Rules

Featured Image 3 Reasons My Kids Break The Rules

3 Reasons My Kids Break The Rules On days I leave my cave (yes, that means some days I don’t, which is completely fine with me), when I drive through my neighborhood, I always, as in always, always, think wistfully about our neighbors as I pass their house. They’re the ones that don’t have kids, who are…

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Family Photos With a 10,000 Word Backstory

Family Photos Story Behind The Smiles

The Story Behind The Smiles These last few years, the first day of school at our house has been very random and never really very clear. It even strikes on different days depending on who you are. That’s why I stick with our First Day of School Picture tradition on the front porch. If I…

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