Jordan Peterson Is My Kinda Crush

Jordan Peterson 12 Rules for Life

I have a pile of books on my nightstand and even more  in my audible account begging for a listen. I generally hop around among my piles of tomes, but this spring I’ve been zeroing in on all things Jordan Peterson and forcing them on my husband and kids. Peterson’s unflappable stance and rejection of modern day, politically…

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Now’s The Time. Feel The Good.

Feel The Good

My mom says time is different when you’re old. That you think about it differently. And at 85, she probably knows what she’s talking about. Maybe so, but I also believes our day-to-day perception of time isn’t much different, regardless of age. At whatever age, I think there’s both an over-valuation and under-valuation of our…

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Arguing the inarguable


Step away from the crazy. People. First let’s pretend to agree on this: Never has there been a perfect candidate for president, and never will there ever be. And secondly, let’s pretend to agree on this: There are lots of things we dislike in both 2016 presidential candidates. But the fact is one of them…

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When you’re forced outside your comfort zone . . .

I finally got out and about yesterday and arrived at my morning office (Starbucks) at about 11 o’clock. I was bummed when there wasn’t a place for me at my usual spot. I love sitting at the counter by the window, in the corner, close to the outlet. My requirements are few, but very succinct. An outlet tops the list for me with an old laptop surviving on waning battery life. •

My corner is a weird little spot where a wall juts out just far enough to make it a cove for one, at the far end of the bar. I love how I can have the best of both worlds. I can feel solitary and invisible, yet be able to look up at any moment to a steady stream of strangers walking by on the sidewalk beyond. •

It’s my urban river. •

When I walked into the famous house of brew that morning, and found my place in the short line, I was relieved to survey the room and find it pretty empty. My spot was clear. •

But by the time I was handed my daily dose of half-caf toffee nut white mocha, I was heartbroken to see that not only had my favorite spot been taken, but every spot at the counter was taken, leaving the big banquet table completely vacant, which is very odd, but a new reality I was forced to endure....[New blog post. Keep reading. Link in bio] •

#newblogpost #linkinbio #nyclife #everyonehasastory #slabysnyctrip2016

I finally got out and about yesterday and arrived at my morning office (Starbucks) at about 11 o’clock. I was bummed when there wasn’t a place for me at my usual spot. I love sitting at the counter by the window, in the corner, close to the outlet. My requirements are few, but very succinct.…

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Voting is Not a Religious Experience. It’s a Strategy.

Voting is not a religious experience

It’s time to place your bets. We’re down to the final choice in picking the leader of the free world. Who will you put your money on? This dilemma of conscientious voting is age old. Vote your conscience, they say. Amen to that, I say. At least I used to. I’ve struggled voting my conscience…

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Sometimes Life Stinks. Fear Not. It’s Temporary.

Blog_Sometimes Life Stinks

I was just inspired to beat out this post, one glass down, after I saw this quote on Facebook. It said, “Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.” Normally, I’d embrace it from the love from whence it came, but tonight I’m a little jaded.…

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Trial’s over. New Year’s Restart Feb 1st.

Planner New Year's Restart fb tw

Update: 2018 As I throw a backward glance at some of my blog posts, I realized this one remains timeless. I’m all in on a New Year’s restart….starting February 1. Here’s why . . . . ………… One of the greatest unsung features of the internet is access to an unending supply of feel good, sometimes…

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Traditions don’t just happen. There’s always a wizard behind the curtain.

Value of Tradition Over Time

Today, in this weird space between the Magic of Christmas to the Bang of New Year’s, I’m realizing that traditions are really the glue that holds our world together, but can only thrive if nourished in our own backyards. We may share similar traditions worldwide, but we’re all snowflakes in how they play out for our…

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How I knew I should follow my dream and the power of self-imposed exile

Embracing a dream isn't for the faint of heart. See my new blog post. Link in my profile. #dreams #goalsetting #mariaslaby

Getting away alone, completely unencumbered by daily tasks and distractions has been a fantasy I’ve carried in my heart for years. Anyone with a bigger list of To Do’s than Already Done’s can probably relate to this. If only I could run away to escape all the noise and chaos of my everyday life, I…

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Catch and Release Education

Catch and Release Education Life is not a test.

Life Is Not A Test. Formal education. What does that really mean? To me it means catch and release. We toss out facts for students to catch, only to be released after the test. The result isn’t a depth of knowledge, rather a box checked. True retention and mastery is bypassed in the race for…

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