Arguing the inarguable


arguing-the-inarguableStep away from the crazy. People.

First let’s pretend to agree on this:

Never has there been a perfect candidate for president, and never will there ever be.

And secondly, let’s pretend to agree on this:

There are lots of things we dislike in both 2016 presidential candidates. But the fact is one of them is going to win. At this point, none of the egregiousness on either side matters.

Unlike many, I kind of like the political season. I’m not a sports fan, but I find a lot of parallels in the political game. I’m fascinated with the process and enjoy observing the debate. I love seeing how all sides act and react to the game. I figure it helps my parenting on some level . . . .

But unlike sports (for the most part), politics really brings out the worst in people.

In sports, I don’t hear people disparaging and judging their friends for rooting for a different team. They may say negative things about the other team, but I don’t hear them spewing vitriol about the team’s fans / followers.

I wonder why it happens in politics?

(Well, I have my theories, but that’s a longer one . . . .)

Here’s what I mean. I came across a blog post today that I couldn’t even get through. I was bowled over with flashbacks of years of being in the middle of my bickering kids.

I call it arguing an inarguable.

It’s like arguing that pepperoni pizza is better than sausage pizza. Or that Thanksgiving isn’t on a Thursday. It’s either an opinion, or it’s a fact that can be looked up, but bickering about it, and disparaging the other for his/her opinion or (mis)understanding of the fact, does nothing to advance a cause, let alone bring about world peace. In our home or otherwise.

The post I’m referencing today isn’t particularly special; the web is filled with others out there just like it. This one just happened to land in my feed at just the right time to hit the just right nerve on my camel’s back.

So, in the passage below, replace “Trump supporter” with any sports team, religion or ethnicity and see how it sings.

“The general view of the non-Trump supporter is that those who have chosen to vote for him are rednecks with 12 teeth, six of them in their coat pocket, and it’s possible those teeth might be on loan from someone else. The majority of these Trump supporters are listed primarily as White Uneducated Voters, which is code for “stupid redneck.” The kind of folks who kept their first   grade report card because they’re proud of the D they made in conduct. (I made a C.)

Thing is, the support of Trump in Texas — and I speak specifically of my region, East Texas — goes beyond the smart and the not sosmart, the educated and the uneducated. It is more a result of what I like to call the happily stupid; the ones who hold stupid views by choice, not due to lack of intelligence, but due to a kind of tribalism. . . .” By Joe Lansdale of the Texas Observer


As clever as it may seem penned, I’ve never been a fan of humor that picks on one at the expense of another. Sadly, both parties in this presidential race are very skilled at this technique.

Disparaging Trump supporters serves no purpose other than making those that have the same opinion feel better about themselves. And because it’s an opinion, which by definition is not based in fact, it is as inarguable as a feeling. Or a dog chasing his tail.

Ridiculing those with differing views from our own really serves no purpose other than diminishing another, or creating a connection with others of like mind.

It’s classic, “Put another down to bring yourself up,” stuff. You know. Bully stuff.

I, like all parents, have refereed this kind of crazy with my kids for years. Hopefully now, a couple decades out, I’ve made a dent with them and have programed that stuff out of them.

But as far as the rest of the world goes, all I can say is, let’s resist the urge to argue the inarguable.

Step away from the drama. None of it matters. Get out of the forest. We’re getting too close to the trees.

To me, this election comes down to two fundamental views.

Either you dig Globalism. Or you dig Nationalism.

Pick your madness. One or the other.

Waxing and waning righteously about one or the other, fueled with emotion, does not persuade. (See my post: Voting is not a religious experience. It’s a strategy.)

When was the last time a Facebook rant or reply, or blog post share, changed your political or religious beliefs?

And even though I’m not a “should” sorta gal, we really should. Vote. Because we can.

And you don’t even have to tell anyone about it. (Actually, don’t.) Just do your thing.

Then let’s just get back to being nice-nice to one another. It’s way more fun.

About The Author

Maria Slaby

I'm a lot of labels, not the least of which is a mom / wife with four awesome kids and an amazing husband. My lifelong love of making cool stuff with an eye on our humanness has also turned me into a branding and publishing specialist. I love helping others bring voice to their passions in this wild and tangled digital world. Catch up with me on social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram @mariaslaby.